This last week in our Interpersonal Communications class we learned about a really serious topic: Relationship Violence. Sadly, there are hundreds of people that are being victims of this terrible problem. I believe that if there's
a history of violence in a relationship, is more likely to
continue in the future and may escalate in many different ways. That is why I decided to make this blog post with some warning signs of a violent relationship. If we are able to perceive this signs on time, we will make a huge difference in our lives.
*Your partner belittles, insults, or ignores you.
*Your partner controls pieces of your life.
*Your partner gets jealous without reason.
*Your partner can't handle sexual frustration without anger.
*Your partner is so angry and threatening that you've changed your
life so as not provoke additional anger.
It is also a good idea to learn how nonviolent relationships differ from a violent relationship. If we do this, we will actually see our own relationship with a different perspective.
Remember, we are meant to be HAPPY. The other person should help us find our 100% :)
This is an outstanding blog post! The information is excellent, has application of importance, and the images are especially fitting. I really liked the bottom one. Only a couple MUGS errors, so 11/12 earned.