Thursday, November 1, 2012

Interpersonal Communication!

Tomorrow will be the last day of my interpersonal communication class. I can't believe how fast the quarter went! I really enjoyed this class, my favorite part were the activities, the movies, and I definitely get to know my classmates better. :)
I always knew communication was a really important aspect of our lives, but I never realized the amount of things communication involves! It covers the way we send and receive messages, how we develop our roles as speakers and as listeners, how empathetic we are, and many more things.

Something that I really like is how we were always encouraged to do our best at all times, to be friendly, to listen, and respect. In my opinion respect is one of the biggest traits that good communicators have. I know that we'll always remember some of the things that we learned in this class :) It is really amazing how we apply daily everything we learn!! :)